We'll have the results of Pie's blood work in a day or so, to see if there are any changes, not that that'll necessarily tell us anything. Sometimes he seems to feel just fine - he's lively in the mornings when I bring him in to feed him and then turn him out to pasture, and he's fine late at night when I come to check on him and bring him his bedtime flake of hay. But in between, he seems to have his ups and downs. He's often lackluster in the afternoons, although he perked up quite a bit when I rode him yesterday, and is also a bit discouraged looking in the early evenings, although he's happy to eat his dinner and dinnertime flake of hay - his appetite is very good, and his manure is normal in amount and consistency too. He seems uncomfortable when he's digesting and to feel pretty good when he's emptier. He's only had one serious "episode" where the pain was worse in the two weeks since he went to the vet hospital, but whatever the underlying problem is it apparently hasn't gone away. We're spreading his food out as much as possible and that does seem to help at least a little bit.
All I can do is watch and wait to see how he'll do every day . . .
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